Bad habits are self-defeating because they make us feel bad about ourselves. Using the intuitive tools to stay clear about what drives eating choices, blows bad habits away. The purpose of intuition
is to keep us clear about priorities and boundaries for the best
quality of life. Using intuition to stay your healthy weight makes
It's intuitive to eat for energy. That's being in sync with your body. Think of energy and strength like a river. When you are in sync with your body, the flow is natural and the current (your intuition) keeps you moving toward your destination. When you fight with or restrict your body, there are blockages or overflowed banks (weight gain).
Intuitive tools
are guides to natural health for you to trust and lean on, the way you
use a handrail to help you up the stairs. When you hold onto the
handrail, even if you slip -- you won't fall. Using intuitive tools is the beginning of shedding bad habits. You won't fall back into the habit of yo-yo dieting.
you want to lose weight by eating intuitively, but you're not committed
to the experience, this means you don't trust yourself. This bad habit
is awful. You experience it as a hopeless attitude about yourself and
may feel isolated - which is not real. When we fall into the trap of
bad habits, we're living in the past.
Dieting creates the bad habit of being tense at mealtime. Intuitive thinking connects you with natural inner strength. Inner strength feels like a calm awareness. Imagine being relaxed when you sit down to eat. That's intuitive eating.
It's intuitive to eat for energy. That's being in sync with your body. Think of energy and strength like a river. When you are in sync with your body, the flow is natural and the current (your intuition) keeps you moving toward your destination. When you fight with or restrict your body, there are blockages or overflowed banks (weight gain).
Take the plunge, connect with your inner voice and trust yourself! Stop fighting with your body; learn to respond to it. Use intuitive tools to lose weight. You won't regret it -- guaranteed.
trusting yourself by using your senses to stay in touch with what's
real, and you won't be eating because you're lonely. Kick bad habits out
of your life by staying on track with intuitive thinking.