Spring is a time of enthusiasm and new beginnings.
Begin to taste every meal, savor every bite in your mouth, share the
enjoyment of it with others and stay connected with your body. Get
sensual and lose weight with enjoyment, instead of diet-stress.
De-stress means:
Don't Eat Simply To React. Eat Sensually and Slower.
Do Eat to Satisfy, Taste, Relax, get Energy and Satisfy yourSelf.
Stress is in your head. Digestion is in your body. When you're stressed
it inhibits your body's abilities to get the most nourishment from what
you eat. Stress impacts your ability to think clearly and it can release
a hormone into your body telling it to hold on to fat!
De-stress and eat less. Forget diet dogma and tune into your body and
your personal priorities. You know what feels good. If you want to lose
weight, make a commitment to yourself to trust your body and be honest
with yourself about what matters, before putting something into your
Feel Spring. Let the enthusiasm of new beginnings free you from old
regrets and old self-defeating habits. Today is your day to begin the
rest of your life. Do it with dignity and self-respect.
See yourself in summer clothes looking happy, healthy and feeling fit.
Feed that person! She's as real as you allow her to be. Go for it, it's
Nature is forgiving, it begins anew each year. Forgive yourself for bad
decisions and shed them with your weight by eating intuitively. Spring
fever is a time to feel light with joy!
Start now by smiling. There's a billboard in Texas that says: "If you
see a man without a smile, give him yours." Do it and spread the fever.