Monday, November 26, 2012

Food Plan That Works

The perfect plan is at your fingertips and tattooed on your DNA. Use your senses to connect with your body and watch it work!

How To Start:  Learn from your past. Take time to see yourself and live in your potential.
  • Live with your weight goal. Remember what matters to you. If you're happy but could lose a few pounds, post a reminder where you will see it on your computer/refrigerator/bathroom mirror. If you need to lose 20 pounds, go out and buy 20, 16 oz cans of soup. Carry it around to be clear about what you want to lose. When you lose the 20 pounds, give the bag of canned soup to a homeless shelter.
  • Losing or maintaining weight is not a choice; it's a decision. Balance what you eat with what you need. Do this by tuning-in to your body, not emotions around food. Tasting food more with every mouthful guarantees that you eat less. To drop weight effectively, give up regular desserts and drink more unsweetened drinks. 
  • Don't be ruled by ideas or emotions when you eat. Overeating is psychological hunger. Your senses are your natural physical inner guidance system. This includes your 6th sense which we often call common sense. Respecting your body is how you are in control - by taking control.
How To Stick With It:  Respect your soul because only you can understand it.
  • Focus with your intuition, not your mind. Intuition is physical, so you feel it, you don't think it. **Be curious about how the food you're eating will impact your body. Curiosity is intuitive; you feel it. **Connect with dignity before eating a plate of food - How much feels dignified, and how much feels like a pig? You know your answers. **Use the 3-minute rule when you feel the urge to binge.  For 3 minutes: Notice your state of mind, notice what's triggering your urge and use your 6 senses to notice if you are physically hungry. 
  • Feed your social appetites to maintain your weight. As often as possible, change the topic away from food! If the topic is food, use conversation to talk about how good it tastes. Everyone likes to share ideas and experiences about pleasure.
  • Don't compromise because of social pressure to eat. People respect a person who respects herself. Don't make a fuss, but be firm. 
What About Calories, Exercise, Food Choices?  Thinking with your senses and feeling with your mind is the food plan that works. Am I Really Hungry has the eating plan for this. 
  • All calories are not equal. Think about quantity, not calorie count. 
  • Exercise is personal. If you move as little as possible and find you're watching TV a lot, chances are you have some personal pounds of fat that would melt off if you gave yourself a chance. Exercise doesn't have to mean sweating or going to a gym. Take 5 minutes to focus on enjoying every day by taking a 5-minute walk. This will exercise your mind and your body.
  • Food choices that are common sense plus convenient, are intuitive. Choose for energy and health. Don't eat what doesn't look or smell good, or when you're not hungry. Beware of portions that put on pounds. Take control by asking for a second plate or container to remove half of the portion from your plate; then either put it away for another meal or give it away.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Addicted to Food

You may think you're addicted to food, but you're not!

  • Food isn't addictive, emotions are. 
  • Fear and doubt are sharks that devour inner grace and cause bad choices.
  • Don't eat when you feel emotional. 
  • Emotional food addiction happens when you eat to soothe, hide or vent.
It's time to stop letting your emotions rule your life.   
Make social and personal pleasure a priority at mealtime.
Addiction doesn't happen if you focus on enjoying food as a way of nourishing your body and getting the most out of living. It's intuitive to enjoy eating. Eat for the pleasure of taste, touch, smell and physical comfort. That's how to love your body. Thinking about food as love makes fear and doubt small.
  •  Food is love, when it's shared and when it's savored. 
  • You eat less, when you talk about how your food tastes. 
  • You don't gorge, when you share eye contact during a meal. 
  • Take time to breathe between bites, and you'll discover your body is responding to the food.
Because eating brings physical satisfaction and takes the edge off the anxiety of starving to death, you may confuse eating with love. It's natural to be addicted to love because real love brings out the best of who you are. 
"Just as food is needed for the body, Love is needed for the soul." Osho
Knowing why you're hungry and what you're hungry for, is as important as realizing when you're hungry. Then you know what you need.
  • Feed your soul with music, eye contact, conversation and laughter.
  • Be grateful for little things and you will eat less. That's a promise.
"Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be." Grandma Moses

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beat Emotional Holiday Eating

Do the holidays push your eating button and make you wanna gorge? You're not alone. Because of diets, we use food as a reward, a consolation, a weapon, an obsession and even a place to hide. 
Don't let it happen this year!

Media urges us to gratify every craving, without gaining weight.  Media blows life out of proportion and we become addicted to the myths it creates. 
Get help before being sabotaged by holiday eating by tuning-in to your intuition .

 Holidays are coming. Why not learn to connect with your body now so you can enjoy the parties?

The point of holidays is to celebrate living.  
It's intuitive to celebrate life!

Our senses provide physical cues  24/7. These cues are for protection. What you sense connects with your heart, your mind and your body. Protecting yourself is intuitive.

The reason why diets don't work is because your intuition is more powerful than any diet.

Diets demand rigid eating. Life is unpredictable and healthy eating is flexible. Instead of rules, use intuitive tools like curiosity and self-respect to stay aware of messages from your body.  Trusting your body and your intuitive values tunes you in to your healthy weight.

No matter how hard a program tries to make you ignore your body's messages,
your intuition - with your senses, always guides you to recognize your unique needs.
  • A big limit of dieting is that it's generic. You and your best friend - who have totally different body issues - may decide to do a certain program together. Does this really make sense? Do you have identical physical and emotional needs?
  • Holidays are the perfect time to respect and celebrate your body. Overeating or starving causes dissatisfaction that leads to binging. 
  • When you share the taste of pleasure with family and friends, you fill the void of emotional and social hunger.  When you talk about how food tastes, you connect your mind with your body and your emotions and you will discover satisfaction. Guaranteed!
Prepare for holiday party challenges this year by keeping aware of your senses to stay in control of your choices. Be loyal to you at holiday parties. It takes courage.  Fortunately, courage is intuitive. That'ss why people surprise themselves when they are brave.

Holiday help is in your mouth and comes through your nose and eyes. Courage comes from your heart. Don't let your holidays be sabotaged by rigid mental attitudes. Be flexible. Tune-in to your attitude and intuition and Have Fun!