Monday, March 25, 2013

Dealing With Hunger

Diets NEVER help you know when you're hungry!  If the thought of eating begins with frustration, you're a diet victim.
  • Diets create stress that puts your mind and body in a state of confusion.
  • The result is often an emotional response - cycles of binging.
  • Emotional hunger cannot be satisfied by food
Being happy with your body is not about your weight; it's about you. Here are some facts:
  • You're naturally in control of hunger by tuning-in to what you notice and how your body feels, not by following a plan where you ignore your body.
    • Eating without tasting and smelling your food and noticing how you feel, is like putting gas in your car but ignoring what the engine needs - it's destructive.
    Isn't it time to decide feeling good is worth the effort?
    It's a relief to stop ignoring your body. Eating intuitively is dealing with hunger by being in tune with yourself. Don't ignore what you feel.
    When you use your senses to relate to hunger and depend on intuitive tools like dignity and determination to stay in sync with self-respect, it feels so good that it becomes automatic.
Eating when you're really hungry is normal. Dealing with hunger is intuitive.
    • You digest food most efficiently when your body is relaxed.
    • It's logical to feed physical hunger when you eat. 
Intuition is a total support system that connects with what you value. This keeps your emotions, appetite and personality balanced.  You don't feel ignored and you don't feel like you're fighting with your body.

Believing diet myths means you pay. Discovering diet habits don't relate to your body is like learning you've been paying for something that you never received. It's a relief to stop paying. Spring is around the corner. Dump the diet plan and discover your body.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Confused About Cravings

Do you worry that your craving is an addiction?  It may be. Many processed foods contain chemicals that trick your body into wanting sugar, salt or fat! Deal with this by reading labels and don't buy into the trap of chemical addiction.
Stay clear about this:
Anything that doesn't make you feel good about yourself is bad for you.

Do your cravings hit when you're stressed? Stress creates confusion that feels like angst, dread, or even loneliness or fear. These wreck havoc with emotions and as a result, you may automatically turn to salt, sugar, ice cream or pasta when you're generally stressed. Deal with this kind of craving forcefully by connecting with your inner rebel! You can end abusive stress craving by using intuitive thinking to take control of your eating.

Emotional buttons are a kind of stress and a source of cravings. Everyone has unique nutritional needs, but women tend to be 'victims' of craving binges more than men. What you eat is personal. Don't be a victim. When you recognize the difference between temptation and obsession, you can put the lid on binge eating.
It may surprise you to know that cravings can be a healthy signal! Your body doesn't play games with you. People who diet and have cravings are often protein deficient. Dieters I have worked with report, with amazement, that eating protein reduces cravings! The next time you crave salt or sugar, eat a handful of walnuts or almonds or if you're on the run, a hard boiled egg. If it's mealtime, eat meat, fish or fowl. When what you're eating doesn't satisfy you, try using the 3 Minute Rule.
You don't need to "trick your body" to stop the cravings. Instead, the next time you experience a craving, sit down, close your eyes, take a breath and listen to your body. Your body is always working and tuned in to your health and you naturally crave  what will keep it working best.
Giving up on your body is not an option. Eat for success by being aware that you always have choices. Intuitive eating is easy because it feels like common sense. When you start to relax by depending on your intuitive tools, you'll discover how to take control of cravings.  
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