Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Sensual Connection

Everything you sense connects with what you feel, what you know and what you want. Think with your senses and feel with your mind. Don't be a slave to diet dogma. Learn to eat intuitively and watch your body respond. 

You want to have a certain look. You need to eat, too! What's the connection?  It's you! What you sense is your connection.  Notice what you notice to connect with what feels good.

When you feel good about yourself, it's easier to have patience with your eating choice. Feeling good tunes you into being kind to yourself.  It's how you give yourself permission to be your best.
Intuitive eating is all about you. Being unhappy with the way you look means it's time to change the way you treat yourself. Notice what you notice.
  • Binging is a way of beating yourself up.  It's like banging your head against the wall.
  • Rushing through a meal is like inhaling calories. When you rush, your body doesn't have time to feel full.
  • Sneaking a bag of cookies is like poisoning yourself. It's doing to yourself the opposite of what will make you feel good.
You deserve to feel respect. The first person you need to get it from is you! 
  • Eat for energy or do not eat.  This is different from eating just because you're hungry. Try it!
  • Share the pleasure of eating. When you really like what you're eating, pause to taste it better. Then, talk about the satisfaction you feel.
  • At parties, put something you don't like on your plate. Instead of eating, carry it around and talk to people. BUT don't talk about food or eating. Parties are for feeding social hunger. Don't let food get in the way of finding social satisfaction.
Still not happy with what you see in the mirror?  Be happy.
  • Wear a different color.
  • Smile at yourself.
  • Vow to respect your body and your heart at the same time. Since your body is the home of your heart, this makes a lot of sense.
If you feel like you've gained weight, you can be sure you're gained some bad habits. Bad habits are often created by stress.  Take the pressure off by giving yourself a chance to eat intuitively. Time is your tool. Take time to notice what makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Eat less, chew more.
  • Take control by being kind to yourself.
  • Recognize self-defeating eating habits and decide you've had enough!