Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Self-Sabotage '16

Intuitive thinking is the natural way of being tuned to yourself and the bigger picture. It's keeping all of your needs in focus.

Use all 6 senses to stay in touch with your body, heart, mind and soul. Don't sabotage a great meal or miss a Life opportunity by ignoring what you sense.

Choose to live intuitively and make the choice to be clear about what you are eating. This choice fine tunes your life by enhancing every choice you make.

It's easy to use intuitive tools and your 5 senses to do this. Your 6th sense balances messages from your body about hunger and priorities with what your 5 senses reveal about your eating choice at the instant you begin a meal. It's clear.

Not using all 6 senses is leaving yourself in the desert of Life without water. Notice what you sense to know what you need.

When we don’t use our senses, we don't know our selves. How can you know what you’re eating when you don’t look at your meal, taste it, smell it, or feel it enter your body? Eating is supposed to be sensual. It is intuitive to relax and enjoy your food with your senses. Try it and you will find a smile on your face.

It's self-defeating to judge yourself and ignore what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell. It's like wearing blinders and earplugs to an event - You really can’t know what’s happening. Passing judgment while you eat sabotages digestion, pleaasure and quality of Life. Negative thoughts about the past or future have no connection with your meal at all. Noticing how your body feels or enjoying eating is intuitive. Intuitive living turns the tease of temptation into opportunity.

Decide to let go of negative thoughts in your head when you eat. The past is history. Allow yourself to be present. The way to do this is to chose to respect and trust yourself and commit to using your senses to enjoy your food. Be kind to yourself and good things happen..

Spring is in the air. True love is a combination of trust and honor. Spring is a perfect time to fall in love with your self. Really trust your heart, body, mind, and six senses to protect you and let that love honor who you are when you eat.

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